Are there any tricks when setting a dial bore gage using a micrometer?
In fact, setting a dial bore gage using a micrometer may be the most common method used. However, doing so can be tricky when you’re doing so alone and have only your two hands at your disposal. When in this position, a vise can come in very handy. You can use a vise as a means of holding the micrometer steady. It’s advised that you wrap the micrometer in a towel if the vise you’re using is not padded to protect your tool. Additionally, you can switch this method around and stabilize the dial bore gage in the vise while holding the micrometer in your hand. What these tricks do is allow you to have more freedom with your hands to do the actual setting. It will still be a bit tricky to accurately hold the gage extension to the micrometer spindle, but it will be much easier than trying to hold both tools steady at the same time.
How accurate is a dial bore gage?
The dial bore gage is a highly accurate device. Typically, the bore gage can be expected to provide an accurate measurement within 0.00254 millimeters or 0.0001 inches. Compared to the telescopic bore gage, the dial bore gage doesn’t involve a transfer process to get a final measurement, making it a more direct method of measurement. The direct nature of taking a bore measurement using a dial bore gage also speeds up the process, helping to improve efficiency in addition to accuracy. If you’re working in an industry that needs to prioritize a high degree of accuracy in measuring bores, then the dial bore gage is for you. One way to ensure even more accuracy no matter what type of bore gage you choose is to purchase a custom master to master your dial bore gage to.
How accurate is a telescoping bore gage?
The telescopic bore gage typically provides a more inconsistent measurement of a bore. A telescoping bore gage can be highly accurate, but it requires a skilled operator to ensure accuracy. Given the high reliance on the operator to handle the tool properly, the telescoping bore gage is highly prone to human error and mild inaccuracies in the final measurement. Telescopic bore gages involve a transfer process to get a final measurement, making it an indirect form of collecting a bore measurement, which impacts the accuracy of the output as well. However, despite these concerns, the telescoping bore gage is an affordable and long-standing tool. To help increase the accuracy of your measurement using a telescoping bore gage, you can purchase a custom master to master your gage to before completing the specified measurement.
How do telescopic bore gages work?
A telescopic bore gage measures the size of a bore through indirect methods. The telescopic bore gage is used to take the size of a bore, and then an external tool, such as a caliper or a micrometer, is used to measure the output of the gage. The head of the bore gage is extended at an angle within the bore and locked into place. The extended head is the part that’s measured to get the final output. Very similar to inside calipers, which can also be used to measure bore diameter, telescopic bore gages have the added advantage of being able to be locked in place during the measurement process, thus ensuring higher accuracy. Telescopic bore gages are used by mechanics and anyone in metrology that needs to find the interior diameter, radius, or circumferences of a pipe or a hole.
What are the main ways in which to set a dial bore gage?
While there are a couple of methods of setting a dial bore gage, no method is perfect, and choosing one will depend on preference and availability of tools. First, you can set your dial bore gage using a micrometer. By placing your gage between the spindle and anvil on the micrometer and zeroing the indicator to the minimum reading provides your nominal size. Second, you can use a set of master rings to set a dial bore gage. This method is very precise but can be costly depending on the number of master ring sizes you require. Third, you can use gage blocks to represent your desired nominal size and set your dial bore gage in this way. Gage blocks are often easily accessible, but this process takes a bit more time. Metrologists will have their own method of choice for setting a dial bore gage, but knowing how to use these multiple methods can come in handy depending on tool availability and the circumstances of the measurement.
What does it mean to set a dial bore gage?
Setting a dial bore gage refers to the process of aligning the gage to a required zero point. The zero point is the nominal size, or reference point, that you use when taking the measurement of a bore. There are a number of ways to set a dial bore gage, but the end goal is always to match the zero readout of the gage to the nominal size you’re striving for. The outcome of a properly set dial bore gage is being able to easily read off the measurement of a bore as it compares to the zero point on your gage. Any variation away from the zero point is your final measurement. Setting your dial bore gage before each use is important to ensure accuracy in every measurement.
What is the difference between full-ball and half-ball small hole bore gages?
Small hole bore gages come in two main types: full-ball and half-ball bore gages. The terms full-and half-ball refer to the end of the bore gage that’s inserted into the bore to complete the measurement. This end is typically opposite to the knurled knob used for setting the anvils. Full-ball small hole gages are simpler to set the anvils on and lock into place. Often, these bore gages will provide a more accurate and precise measurement of a bore. Half-ball gages are more prone to springing during measurement and require a more experienced user. Half-ball bore gages are more likely to result in an inaccurate measurement. However, some machinists prefer half-ball bore gages because they allow the user more control and leave room for adjustment in unusual measurement circumstances.
Which is better, telescopic or dial bore gage?
Choosing between a telescopic or dial bore gage will come down to your specific goals in seeking out a bore gage. Telescopic bore gages are going to be a more cost-effective option, as they are one of the cheaper bore gaging solutions. However, using a telescopic bore gage requires a great amount of skill and experience. By using a rocking movement, the anvils of the telescopic bore gage are compressed and then measured with a separate tool such as a caliper or micrometer. Due to the reliance on the person who’s operating the tool, the telescopic bore gage is more prone to error than its counterpart, the dial bore gage. Additionally, by requiring the extra step of transferring the measurement, the telescopic bore gage is less direct than the dial bore gage. While greater in cost, the dial bore gage may be a better choice for those operators with less experience. Overall, depending on whether you would like to prioritize cost or direct measurement methods, you may decide whether the telescopic or the dial bore gage better meets your needs, respectively.
Why are dial bore gages an excellent choice?
The type of bore gage required will vary depending on the measurement job at hand, as well as on the preference of the user. Dial bore gages are often an excellent choice when needing to conduct a highly precise measurement of a bore. The biggest benefit of the dial bore gage is that it doesn’t require the transferring of the measurement to another tool (micrometer or caliper), but rather has a built-in mechanism so that a bore can be measured directly. In general, dial bore gages are both highly accurate and highly fast. Additionally, a dial bore gage comes in handy if the user needs to assess a bore for wearing or tapering that could impact the roundness and symmetry of the bore. Dial bore gages come with a very high resolution, usually reaching an accuracy of 1/100 of a millimeter or 5/10,000 of an inch.